This morning our Junior Leadership class (4-H) went to Montgomery (our state capital)
with the adult leadership group. It was a WONDERFUL trip!

On the bus heading south!

Attorney General Troy King gave a good speech about the importance of being involved in Government. It was so neat because
ALOT of the things he said were points that Olivia had already written in her speech that she will be giving next month.

Andy, Jed, Johnny, and John in the background.

Jerri, Mrs. Ulrich, Katie and Olivia.
This was during a little break and we were sitting in the Ways and Means room.

Hannah, Autumn, Emma and Laura

Kay Ivy, State Treasurer. She is a great speaker!
We heard several Senators/Representatives speak.


Walking up to the Rotunda. It was BEAUTIFUL inside!

This was inside the Governor's Mansion. Olivia says she can see herself living there for 8 years. Although we are not raising our daughters to be 'leaders' as most would think, but we do want them to have the skills to be able to do what is needed if the occasion arises. Olivia would love to be the wife of a Godly Statesman, if it be God's will.
OK Kathy, how do I get involved w/ 4H? Give it up ;-)
Hi Anne!
Contact your County Extension. I will say that our experience with 4-H has not always been good. For the last couple of years we've had a GREAT leader, before that it was NOT good. There are tons of projects the students can do from all types of farming, speech giving, food demonstrations, engineering projects, photography, essay writing...even clothing design. It has been very good for us these past 2 years. Olivia even went on to the state level for Public Speaking, and the year before Olivia and Emma both went to the Regional level for Dairy Food Demonstrations. It is one thing you can be involved in and not have to dish out a load of money. :o)
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