Monday, August 18, 2008

Domestic Day Camp - Cutting Hair

Yesterday was our Hair Cutting Class with Jerri Richards (in the blue dress). This is definitely a skill that would add to any family's economy. Not only can you cut your family's hair, but if you are good enough you can cut for other people.

The White Family were more than gracious to donate a 'head' to practice on and a big bag of supplies for EACH family to take home! How wonderful was that???!!!

Jerri is not only a very good friend of ours and a homeschool mom, but she learned cosmetology when she was young from her grandmother who had a beauty school.

Jerri has been cutting my hair for years and right now our plans are that she teach Emma.

She showed us boy hair cuts and girls hair cuts.

Yesterday was a tough class, a bit stressful for those cutting their mom's hair, but it was fun too.

Just like everything else it takes time, practice and patience.

So what skills can you or your children learn that will make your family more efficient and self dependent? Do you know anyone that can teach you these things?

Hop on over to our Teaching Good Things for some good resources!

1 comment:

Amity said...

I would LOVE to learn how to cut men's and boy's hair..what a saving that would be!!