Yesterday, I turned 42 and I have to say it was one of the best birthdays ever! :o) I received some lovely gifts form a couple of ladies at church which included a sugar scrub from my friend Kelly, who makes her own bath products...they are WONDERFUL!

I pretty much just picked the M&Ms off! :o)
Believe it or not we're not real big cake eaters.

My brother from Miami called and sang happy birthday to me...
for the first time in our adult lives, maybe we are finally growing up.
My kids bought me a BUNCH of things too. I'll tell ya... it's great when they get older and start to make good more Dollar Tree nick knacks. lol But I must say, I feel bad they spent so much money on me. It's not that it is not appreciated, but I'd rather them SAVE their money. Anyway, all I really want is everyone HOME and HAPPY! Things don't really matter, love, family and God are all that really matters. After 2 years of having a prodigal, it is WONDERFUL to have him home and wanting to be home!

My online friend of 6 years, we run a reversal group together, she gave me a gift certificate to CBD for $! I hope she remembers me when I am 100! lol
All of that to say...God is so good to me, not because of the gifts, cards and phone calls yesterday, not because of the MANY material blessings He grants everyday, but because He created me for a purpose. He created me for good, although I am not always good. :o/ He knew me even before I was formed in my mother's womb. Christ paid for my sins even before I was born. How dare we complain about life, or birthdays or age. The Bible is the only book that does view age as a curse. It does not view gray hair as something to be ashamed of. With age comes wisdom. I'd much rather be filled with wisdom than beauty.
Each day is a gift from the Lord, each day is another opportunity to share Christ in one way or another. Each day He gives me I can teach my children to look to Jesus. Each day I have with my husband I can be his helper and encourage him to fight the good fight.
Life is good...hard, but good. Age is good. Birthdays are good. Let's quit treating age like it is a curse when it is really a blessing, a gift from our Heavenly Father!
A very happy birthday to you!!!
Blessings on your birthday!
Thank you ladies!
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