Thursday, August 23, 2007

When good parenting becomes a crime

Here is another good article from Judge Moore. It is worth reading the whole thing HERE.

Parents of homeschooling families, many of whom are Christian, are being arrested and their children forcibly removed to public schools and foster homes because Germany claims its "obligation to provide for education" includes the exclusive right to produce "responsible citizens who participate in a democratic and pluralistic society" – a category that apparently excludes homeschoolers. The European Court of Human Rights gave its stamp of approval last year to this recent tyranny by the German government.

Meanwhile here in the USA:

And in many states there are increasing attempts to regulate and restrict the growing trend of homeschooling, which seems to pose a threat to proponents of government-monopolized education.


Our Western legal heritage has always recognized that the law of nature and nature's God has given parents – and not the state – the authority to control the education and discipline of their children. Any government usurpation of that family jurisdiction is an unwarranted abuse of power that runs contrary to historical, legal and biblical precepts.


The duty to provide an education for one's child springs directly from the biblical requirement to "[t]rain up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." In Deuteronomy 6:7, we are taught the necessity of teaching God's law "diligently unto thy children," and in Ephesians 6:4 to "bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."


If we allow the state to erode parental authority over discipline and education, we will reap, among other things, higher crime and even lower morality in the next generation. Abandoning God's unchanging law is a sure way to really see the times "a-changin'," but not for the better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The trend of homeschooling our children is becoming so popular because the public school system is not what it used to be. You get a better education at home by your parents than the teachers who are to educate your child. I know where we live that on the M-Cast tests the highest score is only 56% out of 100%, that's pretty low! Also remember we as parents homeschool our children before they even enter the public schools when they are babies and toddlers, you're just continuing their education.

Once a upon a time going to school was only for the privileged not a requirement as it is now days. I think it's more for the federal funding for getting a head count not a quality education.