Friday, April 13, 2007

This week's Frugal Friday tip is about bartering. I love to barter! There are several online bartering groups with a variety of rules. On THIS group I have bartered for jewelry, bedding, gifts in a can, Greeting Cakes and even home school books. My favorite trades I have done are for Mary Kay! Mary Kay is WAY of of my budget, but there is a lady on there that I have traded with for the last couple of years. She bartered with me for some crocheted names (like you see on my side bar). These cost me so little to make, not counting my time. I have gotten over $100 in Mary Kay for just a few dollars I have in a name. I crochet at my leisure, so it is a win win situation.

This group also has a Closet Day (every Tuesday), when you can barter or sell used items.

If you are a name brand rep. or you have handiwork, or even web design, you can bater in this group. It is a GREAT way to 'shop' for Christmas all year long! :o) Hand Crafters Trading Forum


Anonymous said...

That is a good idea! Thanks for sharing.

I love the picture at the top of your blog--beautiful!

Paula said...

thanks for this tip!!! i would LOVE to know more about bartering. I just LOVE your site, and hope you don't mind I added it as a link of blogs with heart on my blog. i also added your feed to my reader so I don't miss a post. :) You have a WONDERFUL blog!