Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Better To Give Than to Receive

In light of my recent surgery and what feels like a looooong...sloooow...recovery I have been on the receiving end of much kindness lately. It is humbling and wonderful at the same time. I am grateful for my friends and family, especially my husband who insist on keeping me under his wing. :o)

Last night we had to venture out to the funeral home for a while and stopped by our county fair to see how we did on our entries (I promised Jeff I'd only stay for a few minutes).

While looking at the exhibits, a lady who was working as security to guard the exhibits, came up to me and asked, "Are you Kathy Brodock?" I smiled and said yes...wondering what I had done wrong ;o) She asked me if I am the one that leaves cookies for our mail lady. At that point I assumed that I was not in trouble!

She goes on to tell me that she is the sister of our regular mail carrier. I had heard that our regular carrier was very sick with cancer (I have a friend that works at the same post office). This sister told me how much they had enjoyed the goodies! Now I am ashamed to admit the last time I did that was last fall! :o/

I had to fight the tears because I felt this wave of approval from my Heavenly Father. I have never really talked with our mail lady, just waved. Then last year I thought I should leave her a treat once in a while. I also take a basket of goodies to the library and post office a couple times of year. I didn't think it was a big deal, just that as Christians we should do these things. That it might brighten someone's day, and perhaps build some sort of relationship that would eventually point to Christ. I can't go to Africa or Russia to minister, but I CAN minister right here!

So I asked her how her sister was doing (which is not good), and told her we'd pray for her. And I was just so in awe of God's goodness. That He allowed me to do such a simple act that meant so much to someone else. Not that I seek to be puffed up, but that something so simple as baking cookies can mean something to someone, and in turn I can promise to pray for that ALL points to Christ!

I've been feeling so useless lately, like I need to be doing more. Jeff and I were even talking about Foster Care this week (well more me than But last night when a stranger came up to me and thanked me, and I felt God's approval, as if He was saying, "Well done good and faithful Servant." perhaps I am doing just what I should be doing, looking for little things to point to Christ.

All praise is His!

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