Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Wage for a Wife and Mother

What is the wage for being a Godly wife and mother, a keeper of your home?

There are times it is hard to be a stay at home wife and mother. You are on duty 24/7 and sometimes without anyone noticing your constant sacrifice. You may have seasons (sometimes LONG seasons) of potty training, character training, or a rebellious child. You may have a husband that is demanding and ungrateful. But God does notice. He knows your heart. He knows if you are willing to serve Him regardless of the pay. The key is to focus on Christ not the circumstances. So much easier said than done..I know!

So is it worth it? YES! It is worth it because this is why God created us. Our goal is to please Him. We please Him by laying ourselves down as a living sacrifice. He has given us MANY promises in return.

One promise is:

Her children arise up, and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Proverbs 31:28

They may not do it daily, they may not always do it in word, and it may take years before you hear it from your children, but if you are faithful, no matter the *current circumstances*, this will come to pass. God does not lie.

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