Monday, May 7, 2007

Painting the Mailbox

I usually re-paint our mailbox every couple of years. I'm not overly crazy about the finished product this year, so I may redo it when I feel a little more inspired. But until then, here is the how to:

I used a wire brush to get all the chipping pant off.
Bleach and water to clean the dirt, dust and pollen off.
Let it dry.
Spray 2-3 coats of good paint.
Let dry thoroughly between each coat.
This is one side.
I have a book about painting flowers on rocks that I use kind of as a guide.
After painting, seal it with a couple coats of clear spray paint.

This is the other side.
Not the best, but it sure beats the pealing paint.

1 comment:

Proverbs3122 said...

Kathy, I think it is lovely! You must be like I am when I do decorative painting. I only see the flaws in my projects when I paint!!