Monday, April 9, 2007

Botanical Gardens

We took a trip to the Botanical Gardens last week. It is BEAUTIFUL and only about 45 minutes form us and it is FREE! :o) Right now the Azaleas are just pass their peek, but there were some that were simply breathtaking!


Olivia has loved the dirt ever since she was a little girl, mud pies were her favorite thing to do, even as an older little girls she loved to cook up stuff in the mud! Now she LOVES to garden and has quite an herb garden going. While at the Gardens we strolled over to the herb and vegetable area. They were getting the beds ready for the veggies and Olivia just HAD to slip her sandal off and run her toes in their rich soil. She has such an appreciation for God's creation.
There were a few roses in bloom, but it is still pretty early for them.
The Gardens has some beautiful woodland areas to explore.

How can people believe all the beauty around us happened by accident?
As we walked through this beautiful garden we talked and laughed about what it will be like when we ALL go to the gardens when they have children. They commented on how long it would take for us to 'get through it' then because, "Mom HAS to take 100 pictures...what is she going to do when we have 10 kids each?" I'll tell ya what I'll do...I'll LOVE every moment of it!


Proverbs3122 said...

Kathy, where did you find a Botanical Gardens that is FREE??? My dh & I just went to the one in HSV a few weekends ago and our homeschool group is goign at the end of this month when the Butterfly house is opened.

You sound like me with all the photo-taking!Too funny.

Shelley Jo

Kathy, Jeff's Wife said...

Shelly Jo,

We went to the Gardens in Birmingham. It is so nice. I like the HVS one too, we've been in the butterfly house, that was fun. Bhm does not have a butterfly house though.